SUN 10:00 AM– Adult Sunday School
SUN 11:00 AM– Meeting for Worship; order of worship including song lyrics
TUE 7:15 PM– Bible Study
Rejoice in this day of resurrection! Come to celebrate the strength of God’s love—a love that triumphs even over death. Exult in the miracle of God’s incarnate love and encounter the Risen Christ in our midst.
Bible Study starts 7:30 PM on Tuesdays via Zoom. We are discussing Eden Grace’s book “On Earth as it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God and the Yearning of Creation.” You do not need to have read or have a copy of the book available as we read a discussion and then discuss.
Next Sunday April 19, is Monthly Meeting for Business. It will begin at 1:00 PM on Zoom.
If you’re interested in exploring Berkeley Friends Church Membership, please see Peter Brewer or Louise Neal. You will learn some history of early Friends as well as current faith and practice. We will begin a new class Wednesday April 22, 2020 at 8:00 PM. The class will run 4 weeks.
Happy Hour – Friday April 24 and May 8 from 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM. Join us on the BFC Zoom for a time of hanging out, checking in and enjoying human interaction.
Census 2020: Don’t forget to respond to your notice either online, by phone or by paper form after April 8th. The census will only ask 9 questions and by law cannot be shared with anyone including ICE, the police, or other government agencies. An undercount will have a huge effect on our area. For example, if we have an undercount of 6% in Alameda County, the county will lose $1 billion over 10 years. For more info see