The Berkeley Food Pantry is a ministry of Berkeley Friends Church which provides bags of nutritious emergency groceries to households, students and workers in Berkeley and Albany. Through the combined efforts of three paid part-time staff, a core of 100 dedicated volunteers, the Alameda County Community Food Bank, community members, local businesses, and the USDA Emergency Food Assistance Program, the Pantry is able to provide enough emergency groceries for up to 45 meals a month for each household. We currently serve over 2,000 people each month.
The Food Pantry is governed by the church’s Food Pantry Oversight Committee.
The Pantry is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 2-4 PM. The Pantry offers home delivery Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 1-3 PM, and Tuesdays, 10 AM-12:30 PM.
Telephone: 510-525-2280
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