Another active weekend at Berkeley Friends Church! Here’s what’s what:
1) Saturday morning, 11/15, will be our second Thanksgiving bag packing event for the many families from Berkeley and Albany that depend on the Food Pantry in the holiday season. Come anytime between 10:30 AM and 12:30 PM; we will try to pack many more bags than we were able to the first time.
Note also that a Food Pantry work crew will also be painting the reception room on Saturday–if you’d rather paint than pack, they might need some assistance.
2) On Sunday, 11/16, the Singing Ensemble will rehearse at 9 AM; then our regular Sunday School classes for children and adults will meet at 10 AM (parents: don’t forget the special party for Kirsten and the kids!). We gather for worship at 11 AM, with a focus on stewardship; the message will be shared by Keith Barton, from various parts of the story of Jacob/Israel (Genesis 28 and following).
Our monthly potluck lunch follows worship; please bring a dish to share if you can, or a few dollars to help with the purchase of supplies. (If you are bringing something to eat, please also bring a list of ingredients so that people know what’s in your dish.) Then at 1 PM, we will have our Monthly Meeting with a Concern for Business. Members should please attend, and all others are welcome.
Please join us for service, learning, worship and fellowship in the Lord!
In Christ’s Light,
Brian Young
Pastor, Berkeley Friends Church
O: 510-524-4112 C: 510-355-6715
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