This weekend @BFC: BNFP Harvest Day, Singing Ensemble, Advent worship, Monthly Meeting

Dear Friends:

Here’s what’s happening this weekend at Berkeley Friends Church and elsewhere:

1) On Saturday, 12/14, we’ll have the bimonthly Harvest Day for the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project. All of the donations from the various neighborhoods will be coming in to the Food Pantry that morning. Volunteers are always appreciated to receive, weigh, sort and store the donations! You can come by as early as 9:30 AM and there will be things to do through 1 PM.

Also, if you’re participating in BFC’s “neighborhood” and didn’t bring in your bag last Sunday, you’re welcome to bring yours by any time between 10  AM and 12:30 PM.

2) Also on Saturday, but not at BFC this time, is the quarterly gathering of the Christian Friends Conference–Western Region (CFC). You are invited to take part in waiting worship and Bible reading in the manner of Conservative Friends, and to share fellowship and  discussion with Christian Quakers from around the Bay Area and beyond. 9 AM – 4:30 PM at Palo Alto Friends Meeting, 957 Colorado Avenue in Palo Alto. Beverages and bagels will be provided in the morning; please bring your own lunch. See the attached flyer for the full schedule.

3) On Sunday, 12/15, the Singing Ensemble will start things off with rehearsal at 9 AM. Then our usual Sunday School classes for children and adults will meet at 10 AM. In meeting for worship at 11 AM, we will we seek the Living God together in prayer, song, reflection on the Scriptures, and silence.

Fellowship time follows worship, and then Monthly Meeting for Business convenes at 1 PM.

In this season as we await Christ’s coming, let us gather in expectancy and hope!

In Christ’s Light,

Brian Young
Pastor, Berkeley Friends Church
O: 510-524-4112 C: 510-355-6715

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pdf icon CFC-flyer-1213.pdf