This weekend @BFC: Trustees, green bags, Giuseppe Rensi speaking, MOCE and more!

Dear Friends:

Here’s what’s happening this Sunday, 6/2 at Berkeley Friends Church:

First off, don’t forget to bring your green bag with you when you come to worship! The Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project’s bimonthly Harvest Day is next Saturday, and we want to bring all of the church’s contributions together this Sunday in worship so we can give thanks together, and pray for all of the hungry folks in our community. So before you head out the door this Sunday, be sure to grab that bag full of food and bring it with you, and then when you get here, bring it into worship with you!

Also, if you can come to help at the Harvest Day on 6/8, volunteers are welcome from 10 AM to 12:30 PM to weigh, sort, and store the food contributions.

On Sunday morning, things start with the Trustees Committee, meeting at 9 AM. Then, at 10 AM, our Sunday School classes for children and adults, including the Quakerism class, will gather. In meeting for worship at 11 AM, our member Giuseppe Rensi will share a message. Fellowship time follows worship, and then the Missionary, Outreach and Christian Education Committee will meet at 1 PM.

Please join us for service, learning, worship and fellowship in Christ!

In Christ’s Light,

Brian Young
Pastor, Berkeley Friends Church
O: 510-524-4112 C: 510-355-6715

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