This Sunday April 7, 2019

Sun 9:00 AM Trustees

Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs)

Sun 11:00 AM Worship

Sun 12:15 PM Lunch

Sun 12:30 PM Quaker Christianity 101

Tues 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting

Feel the wonder and power of God’s creative energy. Feel the awe and joy of God’s love for us. Let us worship God with a full sense of joy and expectation. Let us open our hearts, our spirits, our souls, to God’s lavish love.


Choir will meet next Sun. April 14, 2019

Quaker Christianity 101:  What does it mean for us to be Friends of Jesus?  This spring, Berkeley Friends Church will be exploring the basics of Christianity – the stories of the Bible, the power of the gospel, and the life of community in Jesus.  We hope you’ll join us for the following sessions, on Sundays from 12:30-2:00pm in the Fellowship Hall: 4/7 – What is the Church?  4/14 – The Bible and the Word of God  5/5 – The Gospel Applied   5/12 – Exploring our Spiritual Gifts 5/26 – Letting Our Light Shine

The Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project’s next Harvest Day is Sat, April 13. We want to bring all of the church’s contributions together by Sun, April 7, so we can give thanks together, and pray for all the hungry folks in our community.  Be sure to grab that green bag full of food before you leave home and bring it with you into worship!  If you are interested in helping on Harvest Day, please contact Pantry Director, Dharma Galang.

Oakland Symphony Chorus presents their Spring Concert on Sat, April 13 at 8PM.  Tickets $20 can be purchased online. The concert will be held at First Congregational Church of Oakland, 2501 Harrison St., Oakland, CA.  

Free Ben Lomond Quaker Center workshops are available through the church’s membership subscription.  A complete list for the year is on the table in the back and can be found online.  The next workshop is Quaker Revival with Paul Buckley from March 19-24.  If interested in this or any other workshop on the list, please let John Mauer or Faith Kelley know ASAP.

Nikki Holland, the new director of Friends United Meeting’s Belize Friends Ministries, will be speaking during the Sunday morning service on May 12.  Come and hear about her new role, the church in Belize and Friends work there.

Crop Hunger walk is turning 50!  Please help us celebrate by donating or walking with Team Berkeley Quakers at the 2019 Berkeley Crop Hunger Walk.  BCHW will be held on May 19 at 1:00PM at Saint Mary Magdalene Church, 2005 Berryman St.  All money raised will   Please visit the website for more information.