This Sunday, June 10, 2018

  • Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School
  • Sun 11:00 AM Worship
  • Sun 12:15 PM Fellowship Time
  • Sun 1:00 PM Choir
  • Tue 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting

Please gather with us!
Christ’s blessings!
The Ministry and Counsel Committee

Choir will meet Sunday, June 17 at 9:00 AM.

Monthly Business Meeting and Potluck Luncheon is Sunday, June 17. Please bring a dish or be prepared to contribute $3.00 for supplies. We need a diversity of salads, casseroles, fruit, breads, etc. Be creative!

Berkeley Community Chorus and Orchestra will perform Mendelssohn’s St. Paul Oratorio in Hertz Hall on the Cal campus, Friday-Sunday, June 22-24. Free. Grab a flyer in the lobby, or visit or both.

The American Red Cross will have an Interfaith Community Blood Drive. It will be held in the Congregation Netivot Shalom Social Hall, 1316 University Ave, Berkeley, on Thursday, July 5 from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM. For more information pick up a flyer in the lobby.

AFSC, Church World Service, and the Unitarian Universalist Assoc. are launching an online course (three 1.5-hour sessions in June, July, August) entitled Creating Sanctuary/Changing Ourselves. The purpose is to jump start local groups to do anti-racism self-reflection work and to participate in the Sanctuary movement. Please see Tomi if you would like more information and/or are interested in joining a BFC group.

Please pray for, donate, and/or march with the Poor People’s Campaign. The campaign is committing to 40 days of nonviolent action. It is a national call to moral revival, a mass mobilization led by poor and working people to challenge systemic poverty, racism, militarism and ecological devastation