Spring is here, and that means this weekend is the return of Daylight Saving Time! Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night. Otherwise, you’ll miss some of what’s going on this Sunday, 3/12 at BFC:
Things start with Sunday School for adults and children at 10 AM; for the adults, the regular class meets in the worship room and the Quakerism/membership group convenes in the fellowship hall. Then we gather for Worship at 11 AM, meeting together to seek the Lord’s presence as we sing, pray, wait in silence, and hear a message entitled, “The Temptation to Stay,” based on Matthew 17:1-9.
Following worship we have a time of fellowship, with extra coffee for those who really miss that hour of sleep, and then the Singing Ensemble will rehearse at 1 PM.
Please join us!