It’s a full weekend at Berkeley Friends Church:
This Saturday, 6/11, we host the quarterly gathering of the Christian Friends Conference–Western Region, from 9 AM to 3 PM. CFC is a group of Christian Quakers from around the Bay Area who meet for Bible reading, waiting worship in the traditional manner of Friends, and fellowship. For more information, see the attached flyer.
Also on Saturday is the Harvest Day food collection for the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project, from 9:30 AM to 12 noon. If you’d like to help, contact Pantry Director Sara Webber; if you forgot your green bag last week and need to bring it in, come by any time between 10 AM and noon.
And then on Sunday, 6/12, the Stewardship & Finance Committee will convene first, at 9 AM. Our regular Sunday School classes for adults & kids follow at 10 AM. Then we’ll gather for Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, with song, prayer, corporate quiet, and a message from Matthew 4, focusing on some more reflections on last month’s Stoking the Fire conference. Fellowship time follows worship, and then the Singing Ensemble rehearses at 1 PM.
Please join us for service, worship and fellowship!