1) This Saturday, 11/1, the Food Pantry will have an all-day work day to clean and begin making some changes related to the Alameda County Community Food Bank’s recent inspection. The scheduled time is 9 AM to 5 PM. There are plenty of things to do, especially if you already know your way around the Pantry. Regardless, if you can help, please contact Pantry Director Sara Webber.
2) On Sunday, 11/26, things start at 9 AM with the Trustees Committee meeting. Then at 10 AM we’ll have our regular Sunday School classes for adults & children. Meeting for Worship begins at 11 AM, with corporate prayer, song & silence, more reflections on the Greatest Commandments, and special music from our friend Daniel Connor!
Fellowship time follows worship, and then at 1 PM, we will begin packing Thanksgiving bags for the many families from Berkeley and Albany that depend on the Food Pantry in the holiday season. Note that this will be the first of two packing events this year: the second will be on Saturday, 11/15, from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
Note also that the Missionary, Outreach and Christian Education Committee will meet at a time to be determined later.
Please join us for service, learning and worship this weekend!