Here is what’s on the horizon this weekend at BFC:
1) On Saturday, 10/11, we’ll have the bimonthly Harvest Day for the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project. All of the donations from the various neighborhoods will be coming in to the Food Pantry that morning. This time around, the Food Pantry has a large volunteer group coming from Cal, so unless you’ve been asked personally, volunteers will not be needed.
But: if you’re participating in BFC’s “neighborhood” and didn’t bring in your bag last Sunday, you’re welcome to bring yours by any time between 10:30 AM and noon.
2) Then on Sunday, 10/12, we will begin with Sunday School at 10 AM for children and adults. In worship at 11 AM, we will gather for song, prayer, a spoken message examining what the Gospels tell us about specks and planks in various people’s eyes, and silent waiting. Fellowship time follows worship, and then the Singing Ensemble will rehearse at 1 PM.
We hope to see you this weekend!
In Christ’s Light,
Brian Young
Pastor, Berkeley Friends Church
O: 510-524-4112 C: 510-355-6715
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