1) Don’t forget that the Berkeley Half Marathon begins at 8 AM on Sunday and will mean street traffic delays on Sacramento, San Pablo, MLK, and Shattuck at University Avenue. Traffic will be able to cross University, but expect delays on these arteries between 7:30 and 10:00 AM. Also, don’t use the University exits from Interstate 80; try the Gilman exits instead.
If you can get here by BART, bicycling or walking, you should avoid the delays! You can see a map of the course and get other information at this link.
2) Once we’ve arrived, the Singing Ensemble will start things off, with rehearsal at 9 AM. Then we will gather for Sunday School for children and adults at 10 AM. In meeting for worship at 11 AM, we’ll have our annual Stewardship Sunday; Peter Brewer will share a message, and the Singing Ensemble will present “Now Thank We All Our God”.
Fellowship time follows worship, and then at 1 PM, Tomi Nagai Rothe will be showing her slides and sharing stories and insights from her trip to Palestine and Israel with Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) this past spring. Please stick around to hear about this life-changing experience! Note that this presentation will take the place of the monthly Peace, Environment and Christian Social Concerns Committee Meeting.
3) This coming Tuesday, 11/26, you are invited to Join BOCA (Berkeley Organizing Congregations for Action) and the Berkeley interfaith community as we celebrate together in an interfaith Thanksgiving worship service. 7:00 PM Tuesday, at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, 2727 College Avenue, Berkeley.
Let us gather together in thanks and praise to the Living God!
In Christ’s Light,
Brian Young
Pastor, Berkeley Friends Church
O: 510-524-4112 C: 510-355-6715
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