This Sunday, April 22, 2018

  • Sun 9:00 AM Singing Ensemble
  • Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School
  • Sun 11:00 AM Worship
  • Sun 12:15 PM Fellowship Time
  • Sun 1:00 PM Peace, Environment and Christian Social Concerns
  • Tue 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting

Please gather with us!

Christ’s blessings!

John H Maurer, for the Ministry and Counsel Committee

The PECSC Committee would like to thank the Sunday School children and their teachers for making signs to help people put the right material in the right receptacles: towels, trash and compost.  Please look around the fellowship hall and bathrooms to see their art work.  And, please observe their instructions.  Thank you!

Next Sun. April 29 will be the Berkeley Crop Hunger Walk. The walk will begin with a rally and registration at 1:00 PM at St. Mary Magdalen (located at 2005 Berryman St.) All money raised will go to the Berkeley Food Pantry, Church World Service (CWS), Youth Spirit Artworks, Dorothy Day House and YEAH! Youth Engagement Advocacy, and Housing.  If you would like to walk with the team Berkeley Quakers or would like to sponsor one of the walkers or team, visit Any further questions please see Dharma, team captain.

Visit our special Berkeley Crop Hunger Walk information table this Sunday during Fellowship Hour, hosted by Dharma and Cassidy Galang.

Save the date!  On Saturday, May 12, we will have a Potluck lunch and Going Away Party from 12 noon to 12:45 PM for Rebecca Baier and Chad Ropp as they head east.
Following this, Ashley Wilcox will give a two-hour workshop on Quaker Prayer starting at 1:00 PM. Visit her website to learn more More details about her visit to BFC soon.

The Berkeley Food Pantry always needs reusable bags for new pantry visitors who forget to bring their own shopping bags.  If you have bags to donate, please contact Amy St. George at or Dharma Galang at  You are also welcome to drop off bags when we are open on Mon, Weds, and Fri. from 2-4 PM.